Sales Representative


Utilise the power

Why Outsource Your Sales?

Are you looking to broaden your global reach, but your internal team lacks the time, resources, or expertise to handle all of these sales processes in house? When you need to generate sales faster, or more effectively, sales outsourcing is a powerful option, which is why we can provide valuable extensions to your internal team in the form of global sales representatives. There is great value in having your business represented in
different regions across the world as this will maximise your opportunities and ultimately scale up your business.

How Does it Work?

Outsourcing sales can be a cost-effective way for your business to access experienced sales professionals without the overhead of hiring and training an in-house team.
We have access to specialized expertise that you’ll benefit from if you’re looking to enter a new market or sell a new product. Outsourcing sales can free up your time to focus on other aspects of your business, such as product development or customer service, rather than spending time on sales efforts. Instead of being tied to a fixed in-house sales team, outsourcing sales allows a company to scale up or down its sales efforts as needed, giving you the power of greater flexibility.


Where we can act locally

Ireland Ireland Marker
UK UK Marker
Slovenia Slovenia Marker
Austria Austria Marker
Sweden Sweden Marker
Ukraine Ukraine Marker
Hungary Hungary Marker
Romania Romania Marker

Company Strengths At A Glance

Our Strong Points

Custom Sales Strategic


Client Oriented Execution


Successful Meetings


Offline Meeting Percentage


Client Conversion Rate


Repeating purchase


Discover the power

Bespoke Sales Strategy

We already work with representatives in many parts of the world, who are ready to learn everything there is to know about your brand, unique product, or specialised service.


This service is our most bespoke and is tailored individually to each business and market. If your business would benefit from this service, we would love to schedule a call to discuss the solutions we can provide. Please get in touch with one of our expert consultants to find out more.

Bespoke services that you can trust

We have been utilising these tools and mechanisms for years now, which means you can trust an expert service that delivers results. Although we have a substantial database of information, it is our human-based services that distinguishes us from the many automated methods on the market today.

To put it simply, you can leave the technicalities and management of leads to us!

Are you ready to unlock the true potential of your business?

Our expert team is on hand to talk to you about our bespoke services.